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by Sytonia Reid
Socially Responsible Investing (SRI)—also called sustainable investing; impact investing; Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investing; mission-based investing; faith-based investing; and other names—is a powerful tool more investors are using both to meet their financial needs and to make their money work toward their social and environmental goals. The Forum for Sustainable and…
by Victoria Stafford
Labor, Social Justice, Green Business fast fashion
In May, Global Labor Justice uncovered active gender-based violence in Asian factories supplying American apparel giants H&M and Gap. Results conclude that abuse against female garment workers stems directly from the way fast fashion meets its bottom line: outsourcing, contract work, and accelerated labor. We're living in the era of fast fashion. Boasting 52 micro-seasons a year,…
While plastic straw bans represent progress in the movement against single-use plastics, the bans have been criticized for negatively impacting individuals with motor disabilities who rely on plastic straws to drink. In this article, we discuss why plastic straws are still a necessity for some and how you can support effective anti-plastic initiatives that are accessible to all. Summer is in…
by Mary Meade
Economic Action Food, Labor, Social Justice, Green Business fair trade, what is fair trade, fair trade coffee
If you drink coffee, you’ve probably heard the words “fair trade” and “direct trade.” Both seek to protect farmers from predatory corporations and work with farmers to develop partnerships that benefit both stakeholders. So, what’s the difference? What is Fair Trade? The fair trade movement has grown in demand over the decades—the most obvious sign being the development of multiple fair…
by Victoria Stafford
Through aggressive vertical integration, the Monsanto-Bayer merger represents a near-monopoly on the agriculture supply chain, which eliminates marketplace competition and forces farmers’ complete reliance on genetically modified organisms (GMOs). This phenomenon poses a massive threat to global food supply and environmental health. In 2016, Green America’s Food Campaigns Team published an…
by Mary Meade
In 2015, New York City instituted a polystyrene ban which was challenged by recycling firms and plastic manufacturers under the premise that polystyrene is recyclable. New York Supreme Court judge Margaret Chan agreed with the coalition under the premise that the industry had a feasible recycling plan. Polystyrene foam, or more commonly known as Styrofoam, is widely used as packaging (in the…
by Victoria Stafford
From water bottles to clamshell containers to grocery bags, plastic pervades Americans’ everyday lives… and sea turtles’ stomachs. Nearly 8 million metric tons of plastic invade marine ecosystems annually, and if we keep up unchecked production and poor disposal, there will be more plastic than fish in Earth’s oceans by 2050. But are there plastic solutions? Our friends at As You Sow are…
by Sytonia Reed
In March, Starbucks found itself under a scorching spotlight for racial profiling when a manager called the police on two African American men who were waiting to conduct a business meeting in one of its stores. Since then, the coffee chain has launched into a corporate crackdown on discrimination in efforts to restore trust with customers, and on May 29, all of its 8,000 US stores will close…
by Fran Teplitz
Finance, Green Living plant-based investing
An increasing number of both institutional and individual investors are aligning their investment dollars with their values. Whether you use the term “SRI (Socially Responsible Investing),” “impact investing,” “green investing,” or “ESG (Environmental, Social, and corporate Governance) investing” -- this approach to investing totaled $8.72 trillion in assets under professional management in the…
The average American tosses 4.4 pounds of trash per day. This seems insignificant, but with 323.7 million people living in the United States, that’s roughly 728,000 tons of daily garbage. The annual garbage weight for the entire country equals 254 million tons, equivalent to 1.2 million blue whales –enough to reach the moon and back 25 times, which is why zero waste is key. These numbers are…