Green Business Network Blog Posts

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Following is an excerpt from the letter that Fran Teplitz, Green America’s Executive Co-director and Director of the Green Business Network, submitted to the Department of Labor (DOL) on July 21, 2020 in response to the agency calling into question the ability of retirement plans to include socially responsible investing criteria.  Investors have been integrating social, environmental, and…
Stories of businesses getting creative during the pandemic haven brought us hope. Times are tough, but these resilient businesses have kept their stores open by doing what they do best—tailoring their product focus to meeting the needs of the community. We share these stories to bring you inspiration and hope that you support them and other small businesses if you are able. Naturepedic…
by Mary Meade
One of the biggest trends of 2019 was green, but not in the circular economy sense—hemp and cannabidiol (CBD) experienced a meteoric rise in popularity, with industry growth surging at 706 percent throughout the year. What is Hemp-CBD? The Farm Bill of 2018 legalized hemp and CBD at the federal level for the first time in 80 years, making it easier for farmers to enter the…
by Michael Twer
By guest blogger: Michael Twer, CEO/Founder of Delilah Home and Chairman of the Organic Trade Association Fiber Council. Delilah Home is a certified Green Business Network member. By now, most people know that organic matters and is the way to go when it comes to food. What we put in our bodies matters. It’s better to have something natural that has been cultivated without pesticides and…
Over the past several years, we have witnessed a sea change in investor votes on climate-related resolutions, culminating on June 11, 2020 in a strong majority vote at Dollar Tree for action on climate.  The resolution filed by Jantz Management, a Green Business Network member, calls on the company to set greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction goals, and received a whopping 67%…
In the wake of George Floyd’s murder at the hands of the Minneapolis Police, many Americans are wondering how they can support black communities better. They may be taking part in protests, signing petitions, and calling their representatives to demand immediate reforms to policing. Another arena we can turn to is the green economy: to support Black communities, we must support Black-owned…
by Green America
“Right now, Minneapolis and cities across our country are on fire, and our people are hurting—the violence against Black bodies felt in the ongoing mass disobedience, all while we grapple with a pandemic that is disproportionately affecting, infecting, and killing us.” —Black Lives Matter Green America condemns the killing of George Floyd who is one of so many Black people killed by the…
by Mary Meade
Green Business sustainable business
Green businesses are getting creative amid the coronavirus pandemic to keep their stores open. We find their tenacity and commitment to the green economy inspiring in these challenging times. Here are three Green Business Network members that give us hope—and we hope that you will support them, too, if you are able. Supporting sustainable business is a great way to vote with your dollars.…
Is your business starting to consider sustainability in your practices? Do you want to appeal to the ever-growing mass of conscious consumers? With over 30 years of experience, the Green Business Network knows what it takes to be a truly green business and a sustainability audit is a good place to start. Getting Started Green businesses are driven by a mission to make the world a better…
by Green Business Network
Since the US has become the latest epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic, business-as-usual has had no choice but to come to a quieting halt. Between March and April, a staggering 30.3 million Americans have applied for unemployment benefits and retail sales in March fell by almost 9 percent. Meanwhile, many Americans are adapting to a new reality of staying at …