Green Business Network Blog Posts

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by Green Business Network
Green America’s Green Business Network Director Fran Teplitz spoke with Andy Mebert, CEO of Yaya Maria’s soap company, a Green Business Network member, about his sustainability journey that includes using a credit union:  Fran: For starters, please tell us about your business – the range of goods you offer and what motivated you to create these soap products.  Andy: Yaya Maria’s…
Guest Blog By Green Business Network Member: Leslie Samuelrich, President, Green Century Capital Management As the 2022 proxy season winds down, we at Green Century° are excited to share that nearly 30 major corporations have committed to action in response to our shareholder proposals on environmental issues. Furthermore, several of these proposals achieved record-breaking shareholder votes…
Business Support for Reproductive Rights Green America’s statement on the reversal of Roe v. Wade and the other recent Supreme Court rulings on guns, American Indian rights, and climate action addresses the blow to people and the planet these rules represent. Green America underscores the acute harm done by these rulings especially to people of color, people with disabilities, young people,…
by Green Business Network
Food, Climate, Labor, Finance, Green Living, Social Justice, Green Business supreme court democracy
Calling on Businesses to Stand up for Democracy   On the surface the Supreme Court’s recent decisions on guns, abortion rights, climate, religion, and Indigenous rights might not appear to have much in common. But they actually share an important trait: they will all cause the most harm to people who are already most disadvantaged or marginalized in our country: Black and Brown people,…
by Green Business Network
Climate, Green Business climate, Congress, small business
Washington, D.C. — Today, more than 1,000 businesses called on President Joe Biden, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, and members of Congress to invest in the economic well-being of the nation and the health of communities across the country by passing ambitious climate legislation that will put the U.S. on a path to solving the climate crisis. The businesses hail from all 50 states,…
by Naturepedic
Guest Blog from Green Business Network Leader Naturepedic Eco-friendly, green, sustainable … ever see a word so many times that it starts to lose its meaning? Have you seen clothing made from “recycled materials” but no information on what those are? How about “all-natural” skincare products?   Without qualifying these words, terms like “green” mean … well, not a whole lot. The rise in eco…
Web exclusive: This is an expanded version of the article that appeared in the Summer 2022 Green American Magazine For activists across social and environmental movements over the decades, GBN-member Syracuse Cultural Workers (SCW) has been a mainstay, selling posters, buttons, bumper stickers, t-shirts, mugs, books, cards, and more – including their globally renowned Peace Calendar – all…
Don’t wait for “perfect market conditions” to set up an employer-sponsored retirement plan; that day may never come! Even in a turbulent market, today is still the day to commit to setting up a retirement plan for your employees if you don’t already offer one. An IRA that includes socially responsible (SRI) mutual fund options can even be set up for one employee. Green Business Network…
by Anya Crittenton
May 25th marks two years since Minnesota police office Derek Chauvin murdered George Floyd. In that time, the United States has seen protests supporting Black Lives Matter (BLM), calls for more accountability and police budget reallocation, and promises to do better by BIPOC Americans.  In the corporate world, promises abounded.  As William Michael Cunningham, CEO of Creative…
by Green Business Network
Climate climate
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