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by Green Business Network
Conventional clothing manufacturing unleashes toxins on workers that linger on in consumer closets. Find out what makes the typical closet toxic, and meet eco-fashion entrepreneurs leading the way in making clothing safer for workers and consumers. Road to Toxic Clothing From field to factory, manufacturing clothes is a toxic business. This infographic lists the 11 worst chemicals used.…
Activists honored the Raise the Bar Hershey Campaign with the Activists Choice BENNY Award, celebrating the work of Green America’s coalitional efforts with allies to push Hershey into addressing child labor in its supply chain. The BENNY Award recognizes Green America's efforts with Global Exchange and the International Labor Rights Forum. This powerful work brought together thousands of…
by Green Business Network
Imagine the farm where the veggies you buy grow: sun, water, a plow. But if you think you need all of this to grow food at a large scale, LED power says: think again.   Using LED bulbs developed by GE, 40 percent less power, 80 percent less food waste and 99 percent less water usage, Shigeharu Shimamura turned a former Sony semiconductor factory in Japan’s Miyagi Prefecture into the planet…
by Green Business Network
Slated to be the largest climate rally in history: we’re hitting the streets of NYC at the People’s Climate March to demand that our world leaders take substantive and immediate action on climate change. Record-breaking temperatures. Unprecedented drought. Extreme weather. Over the past few years, we’ve experienced some of the worst climate-related disasters in history. But with further…
  In early June, President Obama announced the EPA’s push to limit carbon-based power plants in order to diminish the largest source of pollution and global warming. Green Century announced their support of this large step, providing a petition by Environment America, to gather support of the EPA’s effort to combat this environmental issue.   In an article by the New York Times,…
by Green Business Network
Genetic Engineering Food, Green Living, Social Justice Starbucks, supply chain
Starbucks is a company uniquely posed to trigger world-wide supply chain shifts. That's why Green America's GMO Inside campaign is calling on Starbucks to switch to serving all-organic dairy products.Click here to help us take action. With more than 20,000 retail locations throughout the world, Starbucks is a company uniquely positioned to trigger major supply-chain shifts when it makes…
  The SRI Conference celebrates 25 years this November 9th-11th. Take a look at this impressive timeline from the SRI Conference team, which shares four decades of socially responsible investing history. Take a look at 1982. It was an exciting time in SRI: the launch of Calvert Social Investment Funds, Trillium Asset Management, and the first environmental mutual fund from New…
by Green Business Network
Verve, Inc. announced its full line of Glee Gum as the world’s first Non-GMO Project Verified chewing gum.  Verve, Inc., maker of Glee Gum, is an independent, certified woman-owned business, dedicated to creating environmentally and socially responsible products. GMOs, or "genetically modified organisms,” are plants or animals that have been genetically engineered with DNA…
by Green Business Network
Gap and Old Navy claim their “corporate monitors” audit working conditions. So how'd they miss 3,750 workers in Bangladesh clocking in over 100 hours a week at poverty level wages? Gap and Old Navy claim they’ve deployed “corporate monitors” to audit working conditions. So how did those monitors miss out on 3,750 workers performing sweatshop labor in Bangladesh routinely working over 100 hours…
by Green Business Network
This new expert report will help businesses understand what they need to know about the new FTC Green Guides, the standards to avoid “greenwashing” marketing claims. A new report from marketing experts Jacquelyn Ottman and David Mallen will help businesses understand what they need to know about the new FTC Green Guides, the standards to avoid “greenwashing” marketing claims. AdAge…