Latest Press Releases

Press Release

Press Release ( ) From banking and investing to shareholder activism, individuals can find ways to address climate change and pollution, and create a greener world.
earth day, sustainable investing
Press Release ( ) First-of-Its-Kind Regenerative Agriculture Standard Announces Newest Program Component at Expo West 2022. Seeking the Next 100 Farmers to Begin Go-to-Market Pilots this Spring.

Press Release ( ) Climate-Friendly Gardens Nearly Doubled Since 2021; New Resources Available for Climate Victory Gardeners, Including Series on Gardening with Disabilities.
Climate Victory Garden
Press Release ( ) Report Covers the Disproportionate Fossil Fuel Damage to Marginalized Communities, Identifies Requirements Companies Should Adopt to Address Inequity as Shift to Renewables Continues. WASHINGTON, DC – FEBRUARY 17, 2022 – Energy equity is at the…
clean energy, dirty energy, renewable energy, social justice, labor, solar, solar power, solar coop, wind power, wind
Press Release ( ) Green America Rolls Out New CBD Certification and Releases Label Guide for Consumers.
CBD, business certifications
Press Release ( ) “Toxic Textiles” Report Also Finds Apparel Brands Outpacing Retailers on Chemical Management Policies, Protecting Worker Health, and Sustainability.
toxic textiles
Press Release ( ) Green America supports introduction of Clean Energy Victory Bonds bill to allow all Americans to invest in a clean energy future.
clean energy
Press Release ( ) WASHINGTON, D.C. (June 2, 2021) – Today, Walmart investors voted on the first-ever shareholder resolution on refrigerants and their related climate impacts. The initial count indicates 5.5 percent of investors voted in favor of the proposal filed…
Press Release ( ) Major Uptick in Climate-Friendly Gardens Continues with Numbers Nearly Quadrupling in Just One Year; New Resources and Video Available for Climate Victory Garden Beginners and Pros.     WASHINGTON, DC – MARCH 24, 2021 – Gardeners are ready…
Climate Victory Garden
Press Release ( ) 2021 Easter Scorecard: “Rotten Egg Award” Goes to Storck, While Alter Eco, Tony’s Chocolonely and Whittaker’s Get “Good Egg” Awards; Godiva Improves From 2020 Last Place Showing.
chocolate scorecard, child labor, deforestation, cocoa farmers
Press Release ( ) COVID-19 Caused a Huge Uptick in Climate-Friendly Gardens Planted in Backyards and Community Spaces
Climate Victory Garden
Press Release ( ) Over 100 organizations urge home and garden giants to reject toxic weedkiller during Valentine-themed week of action. WASHINGTON, D.C. — Over 100 consumer and environmental groups delivered letters to Lowe’s (NYSE: LOW) and…

Press Release ( ) New campaign pushes Trader Joe's to address its cocoa sourcing and climate-damaging refrigeration.
Trader Joe's
Press Release ( ) Report: The Solutions Start With Government Regulation to Ensure Industry Pays Farmers A Living Income and Ends Human Rights Abuses, Including Over One Million Cases of Child Labor, and Deforestation
cocoa farmers, child labor, chocolate, deforestation
Press Release ( ) COVID-Fueled 10% Decline in Paper Receipts “Could Become Permanent”; Target Also Makes Progress. WASHINGTON, D.C. – October 20, 2020 – As paper receipt usage sees a dramatic reduction because of the COVID-19 pandemic, CVS, the largest U.S.…
Skip the Slip, paper receipts
Press Release ( ) Leaked Documents Show Industry More Concerned About Messaging Than Farmer Poverty
child labor
Press Release ( ) Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) voted to undermine the shareholder resolution process and thereby the ability of investors to pressure corporations to be accountable for their social and environmental impacts
shareholder activism
Press Release ( ) Green America's Cool It campaign responds to Walmart's new goals: 100,000+ consumers say Walmart shouldn't put off curbing refrigerants.
Press Release ( ) For the first time, business policyholders have publicly called on US insurers to drop coal, oil, and gas.
fossil fuels, fossil fuel divestment, American Sustainable Business Council, Insure Our Future, Green Business Network
Press Release ( ) After thousands of lawsuits linking plaintiffs’ cancer to glyphosate exposure, glyphosate should no longer be available for sale.
Glyphosate, RoundUp, cancer