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BlogNews ( ) On World Day Against Child Labor, use your voice to get child labor out of your chocolate.
chocolate child labor, cocoa farming
BlogNews ( ) Is contamination of recycling killing the industry? Tips for what you can do to make sure recycling thrives.
recycled, waste, recycled products, green living, sustainability, recycling
BlogNews ( ) Amazon purchased Whole Foods for $13.7 billion. Since then, Green America members have asked if they should continue to shop at Whole Foods.
Whole Foods
BlogNews ( ) If you read the announcements from cocoa and chocolate companies, you might think that child labor, farmer poverty, and environmental degradation in cocoa producing countries are being swiftly addressed.  The reality on the ground is very…
cocoa farming, fair trade chocolate
BlogNews ( )   DanoneWave to Advance Soil Health Green America’s Center for Sustainability Solutions has been collaborating with DanoneWave (maker of dairy and plant-based products, coffee creamers, and beverages) to implement sustainable agriculture…
soil health, sustainable agriculture, organic farming
BlogNews ( ) Now more than ever we need to take advantage of every positive economic action we can to build an economy and society that works for people and the planet. If you own company stock directly, be sure to add “proxy power” to your action list. Yes –…
BlogNews ( ) There are many ways to pressure companies to improve their conduct. One important strategy is shareholder activism.
shareholder activism
BlogNews ( ) Many agricultural practices are site-specific, but composting is one fundamental element of organic and regenerative agriculture that can be adopted by anyone growing and/or eating food. Composting.
composting, regenerative agriculture
BlogNews ( ) In agriculture, there is major potential for cover cropping and crop rotation to provide beneficial outcomes for the climate and beyond.
crop rotation
BlogNews ( ) As people understand that decreasing meat consumption is good for the climate, there is simultaneously growing interest in plant-based diets and in plant-based investing.  
plant-based investing
BlogNews ( ) Regenerative agriculture practices like zero or low tillage and mulching provide beneficial outcomes both for the climate.
regenerative agriculture
BlogNews ( ) Victory! University of Maryland Begins Using Recycled Paper

BlogNews ( ) In agriculture, there is major potential for perennial plants and diverse crops to provide beneficial outcomes both for the climate and beyond. 
perennial plants
BlogNews ( ) These companies hold a special place in American culture, but they have big issues to resolve.
sustainable business
BlogNews ( ) When businesses deny fair trade standards, cocoa farmers lead difficult lives. Even when the market is strong and conditions are good, they face challenging and climate-changing harvest seasons. Cocoa prices are low, and there is an estimated 400,…
fair trade chocolate
BlogNews ( ) By joining the regenerative agriculture movement this year, you can improve your health in tandem with the earth! Here are some specific, attainable regenerative agriculture-focused goals for the new year. Choose one and take the first step to a healthier
regenerative agriculture
BlogNews ( ) Regenerative agriculture provides answers to the soil crisis, the food crisis, the climate crisis and the crisis of democracy.
regenerative agriculture
BlogNews ( ) View a larger version of the infographic here.        This is an exciting time in the worlds of sustainable agriculture and climate change mitigation, when these two fields have the opportunity to collaborate and reinforce…

BlogNews ( ) Local and organic foods have some climate benefits, but choose local, organic, AND regenerative for the greatest impact! Our food choices are important. They affect our personal health, the wellbeing of farmers and rural communities, and the state…
sustainability, local, organic food, climate change, farmers, farms, local food, organic, pesticide, sustainable agriculture, soil
BlogNews ( ) Christmas trees in the United States are a big deal. According to the National Christmas Tree Association, 25-30 million are sold every year. Many environmentalists cringe at this thought, but there are lots of options for making this once-a-year…
Christmas, green holidays, farms, recycling, sustainability, sustainable agriculture