Green Business Network Blog Posts

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by Brennen Ramos, CFP®
This is a guest blog from Green Business Network member Longwave Financial. Love is in the air, and while hearts flutter, finances can often be a cause of stress and concern for couples in all stages of life. As Valentine’s Day approaches, I can share a personal reflection on the intersection of love, money, and values. Recently engaged myself, my partner Taylor and I have embarked on an…
Green America's Green Business Network is the first and most diverse network of socially and environmentally responsible businesses in the country. Now one certified Green Business Network member, Natural Investments, is taking this a step further, by reorganizing as a perpetual purpose trust. In taking this step, Natural Investments was inspired by Patagonia, which made headline news in…
Shopping at small and local businesses is good for the circular economy and a best practice for supporting people and the planet. This is doubly true for businesses owned and operated by diverse leadership, especially those who have been kept from wealth accumulation. Patronizing Black-owned businesses for Black History Month—and beyond—is smart way to Vote with Your Dollar and uplift those who…
It’s a new year and it’s time to plan. For business owners, that means looking at practices that will make them as successful a new year as possible. In a world that is prioritizing sustainability and ethical business practices more than ever, these green business resolutions can help any venture become a go-to that employees are happy to work for, and shoppers are proud to patronize.  Be…
It’s a new year and excitement is high for what’s ahead—what we all wish to accomplish, to experience, to pursue as we prepare for another orbit around the sun. One area to think about in a world that demands us to consume is shopping. These ethical shopping resolutions can help anyone become a more conscientious consumer, even in the faces of capitalism and greed.  Learn Greenwashing…
The holidays are officially on our doorsteps and with them, a rush to get our loved ones the perfect gifts—or ourselves! Why not save money and show kindness to the planet by shopping eco-friendly holiday sales?  Save on everything from fair trade jewelry to plant-based skincare and organic pet products. Every sale recommended in this article comes from our thousands of certified…
The holidays are upon us and with them the flurry to find the perfect gift for loved ones. This year, consider giving to not just people, but the planet, too, by shopping our Fair Trade Gift Guide.  Fair trade is a system of exchange that honors producers, communities, consumers, and the environment. It is a model for the global economy rooted in people-to-people connections, justice,…
November has arrived and that means one thing—no, no, not Thanksgiving or fall decorations—it's National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)! Or school finals are coming up. Or you’re getting ready to start painting or cross-stitching holiday gifts. No matter the project, there’s a chill in the air, and it’s time to bundle up and invest in sustainable creative accessories and products to pursue your…
by Cathy Cowan Becker, Responsible Finance Campaign Director
Two new actions set rules for community investing, guidance for climate risk  On October 24, 2023, a trio of federal agencies issued two actions aimed at pushing the nation’s banks – especially the largest banks – to invest in underserved communities and factor climate risk into their decisions.  Although the agencies did not incorporate everything environmental groups asked for,…
by Anya Crittenton
Toxic Textiles Labor, Green Living, Green Business buy sustainable fabrics
The world of textile manufacturing is a minefield of toxic chemicals, wage theft, and pollution. According to Green America’s Toxic Textile Report, staggering numbers—43 million tons of chemicals used, 20% of industrial water pollution—reveal this alarming reality and make it clear how crucial it is to prioritize buying sustainable fabrics.  Green America and the certified Green Business…