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BlogNews ( ) The FDA is planning to spend our tax dollars to educate us about the beenfits of GMOs. Tell them "no"
GMOs, pesticide, industrial agriculture, CAFOs, FDA, genetic engineering, Monsanto, pollinators
BlogNews ( ) Fairtrade and Green America’s shared mission of sustainable business  By Margot Conover, External Relations Manager, Fairtrade America   What makes business better? Discover how people are taking business beyond profits to help people and…
sustainable business
BlogNews ( ) Regenerative Agriculture— Not Genetic Engineering—is the Solution to Climate Change and Our Ailing Food System  Industrial agriculture companies continue to bully farmers into growing genetically modified…
GMOs, climate, Soil Carbon, climate change, factory farms, farmers, farms, genetic engineering, non-GMO, good food, organic, pesticide, science, sustainable agriculture, wheat
BlogNews ( ) Scott Pruitt’s EPA is taking aim at yet another Obama-era policy - the Clean Water Rule of 2015. This rule addressed the term "waters of the United States" as used in 1972’s Clean Water Act, and broadened the definition…
water pollution, EPA, climate change
BlogNews ( ) By: Ayate Temsamani, Better Paper Project Fellow It can be exciting to start the new academic year in college with brand new supplies! Unfortunately, those notebooks, binders, and papers can generate a significant amount of energy and water waste.…
Better Paper Project, recycling, recycled paper, climate
BlogNews ( ) The horrifying events over the weekend in Charlottesville are just the latest events demonstrating the rise of hate in the United States. White supremacists marched through the streets and the University of Virginia, wielding torches and…
economic power, community, advocacy, social justice
BlogNews ( ) Want to create a greener world that works for all people? One of the most important things you can do is vote with your dollars.
vote with your dollar
BlogNews ( ) On June 1, President Trump pulled the United States out of its voluntary commitment to the Paris Climate Accord, a decision that sent shock waves around the world. As the nation that is the second largest emitter of CO2, and the greatest cumulative…
climate change, Trump, climate, clean energy
BlogNews ( ) Dear Commissioners of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,   Green America, with outreach to 200,000 individual members and 3,000 business members, is writing to comment on the proposed Eastern Panhandle Expansion…

BlogNews ( )   When Donald Trump signed an Executive Order this week to roll back the Obama Administration’s Clean Power Plan, he did so surrounded by coal miners and executives. The event was deliberately staged at the EPA just to make clear his complete…
BlogNews ( ) Do Better, Darden! Olive Garden, LongHorn Steakhouse, and other franchises should improve labor practices and use the Good Food Purchasing Policy
Darden, fair labor, fair wages, food, local, Olive Garden, organic
BlogNews ( ) This Valentine’s Day, Green America is encouraging all Americans to take a close look at one of their most important relationships – the ones with their banks. It may be time to break up.
Break Up With Your Mega-Bank, Dakota Access Pipeline, DAPL, divestment, financial divestment, green economy, breaking up with your mega-bank
BlogNews ( ) Go fair trade with your Halloween chocolates to protect farmers and children.
Halloween chocolate
BlogNews ( ) Editorial fellow Ilana Berger investigates why and how to buy recycled eyeglasses.
recycled eyeglasses, recycled, recycled products, eyeglasses, Sunglasses
BlogNews ( ) By powering its data centers with unsustainable fuel sources, Amazon is missing out on key innovations in the field of renewable energy.
BlogNews ( ) by Anna Meyer, Food Campaigns Associate The organic sector is one of the fastest growing segments of the food industry with over $30 billion in annual sales. Consumers are increasingly willing to pay a premium price for food that is grown in a more…
clean energy, GMOs, organic
BlogNews ( ) The biotech industry is in the process of developing genetically-engineered trees, but are they worth the risks?
genetically engineered trees
BlogNews ( )    The following guest blog post is from Sandra McCardell, President, Current-C Energy Systems, Inc. Albuquerque NM. The Clean Energy Victory Bond campaign is a Green America project advocating for this new solution to climate change.…
solutions to climate change, Clean Energy Victory Bonds
BlogNews ( )  Green America and our allies are ramping up our Good Food Now campaign targeting Olive Garden. Help us make Olive Garden’s phones ring off the hook, and tell the restaurant to pay fair wages and serve Good Food Now! Here's how you can…
fair labor, sustainable food, Darden, Olive Garden, good food, local food, vegetarian, meat