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BlogNews ( ) Divestment from the fossil fuel sector is steadily on the rise, as documented in the Invest Divest Report.
fossil fuel divestment
BlogNews ( ) Green America supports EPA rules regulating super-polluting methane from oil and gas, and urges the agency to go further.
methane emissions
BlogNews ( ) Globally, 1 in 10 children experience child labor. With over 1.5 million child laborers in cocoa.
child labor
BlogNews ( ) Many corporations released Black Lives Matter pledges following the murder of George Floyd. How many of the pledges have been fulfilled?
Black Lives Matter, blm, corporate responsibility, Black Lives Matter pledges
BlogNews ( ) The fossil fuel industry promotes plenty of renewable energy myths. This fact sheet debunks 5 prominent myths about clean energy.
renewable energy myths
BlogNews ( ) Entertainment is one of the biggest industries in the world. But sustainability in Hollywood isn't winning an Oscar anytime soon.
hollywood, sustainability, sustainable business, clean energy, movies, television, entertainment, reuse, zero waste, carbon footprint, carbon emissions, film, sustainability in hollywood
BlogNews ( ) The right to vote is the cornerstone of democracy – and central for creating a just, equitable, regenerative economy that works for all.  The United States considers itself to be a leading democracy in the world. The 2020 election, which was…
BlogNews ( ) Recommendations for government, industry, and individuals to accelerate action at speed and scale   This summer, many of us see the devastating floods, fires, storms, and heat waves worldwide as…
climate change, climate crisis
BlogNews ( ) We need to see bolder action on chemical management from Carter’s to end toxic textiles and create more sustainable apparel.
Carter's children's clothing
BlogNews ( ) While most of the labor of building the computers, phones, and other devices that make our digital lives possible happens far from the headquarters of the name on the box, down an often long and opaque supply chain, industry leaders can have…
clean electronics
BlogNews ( ) Break Free from Plastic Pollution Act aims to stop harmful impacts of plastics on communities and the environment.
plastic pollution
BlogNews ( ) Mary Fehlig has built her reputation as corporate social responsibility (CSR) expert and is supporting women-owned business.
CSR advisory, CSR consulting, corporate social responsibility, women-owned, empowering women, women-owned businesses, women empowerment, csi
BlogNews ( ) Amazon is rapidly expanding its apparel footprint. When the pandemic struck, Amazon was posed to respond well and even gain more market share. Over the last year, Amazon’s profits have skyrocketed. At the same time, traditional apparel brands have…
ethical fashion, amazon prime clothes, toxic textiles
BlogNews ( ) Guest post from Casper Ohm of, an outlet intended to raise awareness of the alarming levels of water pollution in our planet’s oceans.   With 1 million extra tons of trash per week being thrown away by Americans around…
gift wrap ideas
BlogNews ( ) With new national leadership, we welcome the opportunity to make real progress for people and planet.
Biden Administration, Build Back Better, Build Back Greener, COVID-19, executive action, action on the climate crisis, racial justice, income inequality
BlogNews ( ) The numbers are in! Professionally managed assets in the U.S. using socially responsible investing (SRI) strategies continue to grow rapidly.
socially responsible investing
BlogNews ( ) Last year, Green America launched a new tradition for Thanksgiving: crowning CEOs leading the way in bad business practices as Corporate Turkeys of the year. This year’s winners distinguished themselves through their failures in corporate…
corporate responsibility
BlogNews ( ) Misleading claims and plastics greenwashing by manufacturers pose challenges to customers and businesses trying to make sustainable choices.
plastic, plastics campaign, greenwashing, greenwash, PET plastic, polyethylene terephthalate, positively PET, recycling, sustainable packaging, green business, Green Business Network, sustainable business, plastics greenwashing
BlogNews ( ) Thank you to everyone who voted in last week’s election, and a big thanks to all who worked the polls or helped to get out the vote.  Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have won the election.  This is an historic moment for the country, since Kamala…
climate, racial justice
BlogNews ( ) On Friday afternoon, October 30, 2020 the Department of Labor (DOL) pushed through a new rule to undermine the ability of 401(k) and pension plans to include environmentally and socially responsible investments.
401k, responsible investing, socially responsible investing, pension, corporate responsibility