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BlogNews ( ) Early spring is a great time of year to test your soil. It’s best to do it when the ground is thawed and digging won’t disturb growing plants.
soil testing
BlogNews ( ) Black and minority-owned businesses strengthen local economies, create job opportunities and celebrate diverse culture.
Black-owned businesses
BlogNews ( ) Representative Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) recently introduced their much-anticipated framework for a Green New Deal. The accompanying resolution introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives calls for massive investment
climate change, climate justice, clean energy, recycling, green economy, good food
BlogNews ( ) My family and I have a Climate Victory Garden in the suburbs of Washington DC. I wanted to give you a tour of our tiny garden with the hopes it will inspire you.
permaculture, food allergy, growing food, climate change, gardening, tiny garden
BlogNews ( ) Bismark Kpabitey is a 33-year-old dynamic agroforestry cocoa farmer from Ghana, where farmers typically earn $0.84 per day.
BlogNews ( ) Are grains healthy? What are the different types? Is there a difference between ancient grains and modern grains?
BlogNews ( ) As more people become involved in the SRI movement, it becomes increasingly important for investors to understand how mutual funds are being evaluated in terms of their social and environmental impacts.
socially responsible investing, socially responsible mutual funds, mutual funds
BlogNews ( ) Regenerative agriculture is being explored as a solution to climate change and declining soil health around the world. In Ethiopia, where the majority of farming is practiced by smallholders, production is important for livelihoods and food security…

BlogNews ( ) Communities and the climate shouldn’t be compromised in Verizon's race to reach faster networks.
BlogNews ( ) Global Labor Justice uncovered active gender-based violence in Asian factories supplying American apparel giants H&M and Gap. Results conclude that abuse against female garment workers stems directly from the way fast fashion meets its bottom line.
fast fashion
BlogNews ( ) While plastic straw bans represent progress in the movement against single-use plastics, the bans have been criticized for negatively impacting individuals with motor disabilities who rely on plastic straws to drink.
Business Network News, green business, green business trends, green economy, green living, plastic, Policy, social justice, straw bans
BlogNews ( ) You've probably heard the words "fair trade" and "direct trade." What do they mean and what's the difference?
fair trade, what is fair trade, fair trade coffee
BlogNews ( ) Samsung has dragged its feet to take steps to ensure the safety of its factory workers. 
BlogNews ( ) When talking about ‘voting with your dollar’, we often talk about purchasing habits with specific brands or products, encouraging consumers to opt for the more sustainable and fair option when shopping. Another key player in our shopping habits are…
BlogNews ( ) The Monsanto-Bayer merger represents a near-monopoly on the agriculture supply chain, which eliminates marketplace competition and forces farmers’ complete reliance on genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
Bayer, Business Network News, farmers, farms, GMOs, green business, green business trends, green economy, Monsanto, non-GMO, monsanto-bayer
BlogNews ( ) The Court’s polystyrene ban ruling will cause restaurants and food vendors to use more environmentally kind materials by 2019. It will also be unlawful to sell packing peanuts in New York City during the ban.
Polystyrene Ban, new york city, polystyrene, reduce waste, pollution, water pollution
BlogNews ( ) From water bottles to clamshell containers to grocery bags, plastic pervades Americans’ everyday lives. But As You Sow is seeking to change that by launching the Plastic Solutions Investor Alliance.
green business, green business trends, green economy, Green Your Business, green living, plastics, plastic solutions
BlogNews ( ) For years you worked with us to fight for federal GMO labeling, but the fight isn’t over yet.  In 2016, Congress passed legislation requiring the disclosure of GMOs in our food. Now, the USDA is finally developing the rule that will establish the…
advocacy, genetic engineering, GMO labeling, GMO-Free, GMOs, non-GMO, USDA
BlogNews ( ) The family-separation policy is nothing short of “torture.” You can use your economic power to send a message to the companies involved in immigrant detention centers.

BlogNews ( ) Are you excited about joining the Climate Victory Garden movement but not quite sure how to do it? If you have a lawn, then this comic is for you. There are so many benefits to ditching the lawn and planting a Climate Victory Garden—not only are…
Climate Victory Garden