Are you excited about joining the Climate Victory Garden movement but not quite sure how to do it? If you have a lawn, then this comic is for you. There are so many benefits to ditching the lawn and planting a Climate Victory Garden—not only are you beautifying your yard, saving money, and producing delicious, healthy food, but you could actually be sequestering carbon dioxide and fighting climate change!
Already have a Climate Victory Garden? Great! Register it here to see others nearby. Also, join our Climate Victory Gardener facebook group to get weekly tips and join discussions around best practices.

This article was originally published by YES! Media.
Jennifer Luxton and Erin Sagen created this comic for YES! Magazine. Jennifer is a journalist by training, graphic designer by profession, illustrator by passion, and amateur taxidermist by moonlight. She is the lead designer at YES! Follow her visual endeavors at Erin is an associate editor at YES! Magazine. She lives in Seattle and writes about food, health, and suburban sustainability. Follow her on Twitter @erin_sagen.