Planting a garden has the power to change the world. Climate Victory Gardens are part of the climate solution by restoring soil health to draw down carbon. Everyone can grow a garden, and everyone can take meaningful action on the climate crisis.
Add your Garden
To add your garden to the map, click on the orange button on the map and fill out the form. It's ok if you don't know the exact size of your garden--give your best guess! You can also use the search feature to find a community or school garden near you.
Climate Victory Gardens are inspired by the collective action of Americans taken during the WWI and WWII victory gardening movement, when 20 million gardeners produced 40% of the fresh fruits and vegetables consumed in the country at the time. We're bringing victory gardens back. This time, it's for the climate.
Your Climate Victory Gardening Questions Answered
Climate Victory Gardens Webinar Playlist
Community Garden Landscape
Community gardens offer a plethora of benefits, from bringing people together and facilitating community-building to providing fresh produce and education around growing food, as well as mitigating climate change impacts through green space preservation.
However, without proactive policies and planning from municipalities, community gardens are at risk of being shut down or being sold off to developers. Learn more here.
Thank you Megafood for sponsoring our Climate Victory Garden Map!
Anyone can garden for the planet, whether you live in a high rise apartment or on acres of rural land. This video will get you started with the basics of where, what, and how to plant and care for a new garden with an emphasis on soil heath and carbon sequestration.
Your garden can be part of the climate solution by adopting Climate Victory Gardening practices that maximize soil protection and minimize climate impacts.
After pressure from Green America and allies to address the environmental impacts of its dairy, Starbucks has taken two important steps forward.
Starbucks has announced its Journey to Sustainable Dairy. The company is working with The Nature…
Safeway and other major grocery chains have a huge climate problem. Refrigerators in the companies’ stores using potent super-pollutant gasses, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), are leaking and accelerating the climate crisis.
Vanguard is lagging on climate: It’s the top fossil fuel investor and is failing to hold companies accountable on their climate and sustainability impacts.
U.S. agriculture is becoming increasingly toxic to pollinators – the very creatures so much of our food system relies on. Toxic pesticides are a big reason for this unfolding tragedy. Yet millions of crops every year are still treated with toxic pesticides.
There are Climate Victory Gardens in the Midwest doing inspiring work—fighting for food equity in Minnesota. When you read the name of the organization running these gardens, Project Sweetie Pie (PSP), its founder, Michael Chaney, wants to evoke…
Fifteen years ago, when Swati Srivastava and Mark Bartosik, expats from India and England, looked out at their “typical American lawn” in Bayshore, New York, they felt they had two options: water, water, water to dispel those pesky yellow…
You might have seen the green and white bumper sticker proclaiming, “No Farms, No Food.” It’s true—almost all of our food begins on the ground, from the grains that become bread to trees bearing fruit and the grasses and grains livestock eats.…
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