Wage Justice
Fair Pay is the Foundation of a Green Economy
Don't "Specialize" in Wage Theft
Specialized, the cycling company, needs to pay its workers the millions they're owed!
Fair Pay is the Foundation of a Green Economy
Specialized, the cycling company, needs to pay its workers the millions they're owed!
Around the world, an estimated 276 million workers are employed and living below international poverty line. That is, workers subsisting on less than $2.15 per day. In the United States, approximately 6.3 million workers are deemed “working poor” in 2020 by Burean of Labor Statistic.
Wage justice is a wage system that respects human dignity and community well-being. It means that workers have the right to advocate and receive fair compensation for their work that enables them to go beyond meeting basic needs to support a decent life for themselves and their family.
We must stop GE wheat from the same fate as soy, corn, canola, and cotton before it's too late. At risk is $6 billion of US wheat exports as well as our water, soil, pollinators, and health.
Dean Foods. You might not have heard their name, but as one of the largest processors and direct distributors of dairy products in the U.S., you just might have bought one of their products before. Land O’Lakes, Garelick Farms, Alta Dena, Country Fresh, Berkeley Farms, Mayfield Dairy...
Unlike actual clouds, which float in a mist above our heads, “the cloud”, as its known, is a physical network of many computers housed in warehouses all over the world. The servers in these data centers rely on massive amounts of energy to operate. This energy is generated by coal, natural gas,…
We have had many big breakthroughs recently. Major companies across all industries are changing -- proof of the power of consumer pressure. We are witnessing how our economic power is truly changing the world for good and towards a simpler, more sustainable way of living. We are winning and we are opening doors for more businesses to go green.
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Safeway and other major grocery chains have a huge climate problem. Refrigerators in the companies’ stores using potent super-pollutant gasses, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), are leaking and accelerating the climate crisis.
Tell these megabanks to finance clean energy for people and planet, not fossil fuels that cause climate chaos.
Vanguard is lagging on climate: It’s the top fossil fuel investor and is failing to hold companies accountable on their climate and sustainability impacts.