Take action: Sign our petition to block GE wheat! 
The introduction of genetically engineered wheat will threaten the environment, the world’s food supply, and our economy.
For 8,000 years, wheat has served as a staple crop for humankind. Today, it is the top traded commodity worldwide—grown on more acreage than any other crop and is the main source of calories for 20 percent of the world’s population.
This staple crop is now at risk. Monsanto and other biotechnology companies are currently in the process of developing varieties of herbicide-resistant genetically engineered (GE) wheat.
GE wheat will lead to an increased use of pesticides and fertilizers, which will result in the deterioration of soil health, risks to human health, and water pollution. Herbicide-resistant GE crops are already threatening key pollinator species, increasing the use of toxic pesticides, and propagating the spread of pesticide-resistant superweeds. The introduction of GE wheat also threatens the well-being and economic security of US wheat farmers.
Read more about the problems with GE wheat.
Campaign Goals
The Stop GE Wheat campaign is dedicated to ending the development of GE wheat and promoting a more sustainable agricultural system:

Stop the Development of GE Wheat
Take collective action to “protect the final frontier” and stop the introduction and commercialization of genetically engineered wheat, including varieties developed from gene-editing.

Decrease the Use of Chemical Inputs in Wheat Production
Shift conventional wheat growing methods away from the use of glyphosate (and other toxic pesticides), synthetic fertilizers, and other chemical inputs.

Promote a Shift to Organic and Regenerative Agriculture
Encourage the growth of organic wheat production in the US and promote a shift towards sustainable, regenerative agricultural methods that prioritize soil health, carbon sequestration, and environmental stewardship.