Green America has partnered with the Environmental Investigation Agency to bring you a new way to take action for people and the planet: support the growing movement to eliminate harmful super pollutants called HFCs from our supermarkets.
The food in our supermarkets is kept cool with substances called refrigerants. The most common refrigerants are hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), super pollutants that leak out and devastate our climate.
HFCs have thousands of times the warming capacity of CO2, and they are the fastest growing greenhouse gas.
The U.S. supermarket sector has lagged behind other developed countries in cooling without super pollutant HFCs, but a few supermarkets are using sustainable HFC-free alternatives.
In the map below, you can find stores that are climate-friendly and see which stores are still using climate-damaging gases. Don’t see a climate-friendly store near you? Urge for more HFC-free supermarkets!
This map is undergoing continuous updates based on publicly available information or data shared specifically with EIA.