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BlogNews ( ) Avoid the unnecessary packaging and pollution you get with grocery shopping.
Climate Victory Garden
BlogNews ( ) We can all take action in our daily lives to support Black communities economically with our spending and investing
Black-owned business, Black communities
BlogNews ( ) Individuals throughout our food supply chains are risking their health to ensure food makes it to our tables.
essential wokers
BlogNews ( ) Green America condemns the killing of George Floyd who is one of so many Black people killed by the police.
Black Lives Matter, George Floyd
BlogNews ( ) It's time to vote climate denier Lee Raymond off of JP Morgan Chase's board.
climate crisis, shareholder activism, JPMorgan Chase Bank
BlogNews ( ) These businesses are showing what a green economy is all about in the midst of Covid 19.
green business, zero waste, sustainability, fair trade, community co-op
BlogNews ( ) Even if you're physical distancing, you can still find garden supplies like soil, seeds, and tools by supporting small and local businesses.
garden supplies
BlogNews ( ) We must address the racism of the original victory gardening movement to reclaim it for today's communities and the climate.
victory garden
BlogNews ( ) We must apply an environmental justice lens when allocating COVID-19 resources and supporting communities.
environmental justice
BlogNews ( ) COVID-19 is a crisis and call to humanity for a better way forward. We need to build a green economy to protect people and the planet.
BlogNews ( ) Flushable wipes shouldn't be flushed. Doing so is causing dangerous problems.
flushable wipes
BlogNews ( ) Research from around the world demonstrates time and again that companies that value women’s leadership, and societies where women have economic opportunity, do better, and gender lens investing supports this.
investing in women, gender lens investing
BlogNews ( ) Green America welcomes five new board members: Bama Athreya, Eleanor Greene, Julie Lineberger, Carolyn Parrs, and Brady Quirk-Garvan. 
Green America
BlogNews ( ) It’s officially been one year since Verizon issued a $1 billion green bond to help the company reach its goal of 50 percent clean energy by 2025.
BlogNews ( ) Pipeline Incidents from 2017-2020
BlogNews ( ) Vague corporate messaging on sustainable clothing can leave green shoppers wondering if its possible to find an ethical clothing company.
sustainable clothing
BlogNews ( ) If addressing climate change is truly a priority for Amazon, Bezos and executives will go beyond a donation.
BlogNews ( ) Black history is rich with connections to the natural environment, including Black leaders who have revolutionized the climate movement.
Black leaders
BlogNews ( ) Verizon continues to lag by powering its network using mostly fossil fuels.
BlogNews ( ) Amazon is bad for workers, our planet, and consumers. Here are ten ways Amazon violates human rights.
human rights