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Green America in the News

In BLOOMBERG: Trump Picks McIntyre, Chatterjee for Federal Energy Agency, Sources Say

Green America in the News ( ) Bloomberg, Jonathan Crawford and Jennifer A. Dlouhy, March 8, 2017   President Donald Trump plans to nominate Jones Day attorney Kevin McIntyre as chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, an agency charged with…
Bloomberg -…

As Advocates Gripe Over GMO-Labeling Law, One Company Leads

Green America in the News ( ) On Thursday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the country’s first labeling legislation for genetically-modified organisms (GMOs). President Barack Obama is expected to sign it into law this week. Advocates were quick to express…
Triple Pundit -…

In BUSINESS CLOUD NEWS: Green America hits out at Amazon for its dirty cloud

Green America in the News ( ) Business Cloud News, June 10, 2015   Notforprofit environmental advocacy group Green America is launched a campaign to try and convince Amazon to reduce its carbon footprint and catch up with other large cloud incumbents’ green credentials.…
Business Cloud News -…

In FORBES: How To Eat For The Climate

Green America in the News ( ) Consumers have unrealized power to steer the close marriage between agriculture and the climate toward healthier outcomes, according to food-policy activists at the Green Festival in Chicago Saturday. Agriculture is particularly vulnerable…
Forbes -…