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Green America in the News

World’s Largest Organic Dairy Brand Commits to Being Carbon Positive by 2025

Green America in the News ( ) Horizon Organic, the largest USDA certified organic dairy brand in the world, today announced a commitment to become carbon positive by 2025. Horizon Organic’s goal is to be the first national dairy brand to become carbon positive across its…
Environment + Energy Leader -…

Jeff Bezos Puts Up $10B From His Pocket to Fight Climate Change

Green America in the News ( ) Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos on Monday announced a commitment of US$10 billion of his personal money to the newly launched Bezos Earth Fund to fight climate change. "Climate change is the biggest threat to our planet," Bezos wrote. "This global initiative…
E-Commerce Times -…

Thousands Of People Are Growing ‘Climate Victory Gardens’ To Save The Planet

Green America in the News ( ) Right across from Atholton High School in Columbia, Maryland, sits a garden roughly a third of an acre with rows of vegetable beds and a newly added pond to encourage wildlife. The garden, located along the road so it’s the first thing people see…
Huffington Post -…

Investors Oppose SEC’s restriction on shareholder rights

Green America in the News ( ) WASHINGTON, DC (Feb. 5, 2020) – As of Monday’s deadline for public comments on the SEC’s proposed restriction on shareholder rights, a broad group of investors has weighed in strongly against the SEC’s proposal to limit shareholders’ rights to file…
ValueWalk -

Advocacy Groups Charge SEC With Limiting Shareholder Votes

Green America in the News ( ) A coalition of environmental and advocacy groups is petitioning the Securities and Exchange Commission asking that it not adopt changes to its regulations that would reduce the number of shareholders who can present resolutions to a corporation.…
Financial Advisor Magazine -…

Opposition to SEC Proxy Proposals Grows

Green America in the News ( ) On the final day of public comment on two related proposals by the Securities and Exchange Commission on proxy voting rules, a petition signed by more than 18,000 individuals opposing the policy change was submitted to the SEC, which was also the…
ThinkAdvisor -…

Green America: 18,000 Signatures Delivered Urging SEC Not to Muzzle Voice of Shareholders

Green America in the News ( ) Vital Shareholder Proposal Process Has Allowed Investors to Raise Important Social, Environmental and Governance Issues with Corporate America.   WASHINGTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Concerned citizens delivered over 18,000 signatures to the…
Business Wire -…

Advocates Say SEC Proxy Change Limits Corporate Owners' Oversight

Green America in the News ( ) A proposed SEC rule would limit the influence shareholders have on the corporations they own, according to advocates who delivered more than 18,000 signatures opposing the change to the commission's headquarters in…
WealthManagement.Com -…

When it comes to bills and receipts, are you Team Paper or Team Digital?

Green America in the News ( ) Like many soon-to-be empty-nesters, Vered DeLeeuw and her husband have been thinking about downsizing. Surveying her garage, DeLeeuw noticed boxes of documents, pay stubs, bills, credit card statements — 20 years worth — and realized the harsh…
The Washington Post -…

Meet the massive coalition vowing to end Amazon’s ‘powerful grip over our society’

Green America in the News ( ) It’s official: Amazon is mammoth, at over 750,000 employees, and growing swiftly. Nearly 100,000 workers were hired in the third quarter alone. For comparison, fellow behemoths Google, Apple, and Microsoft all employ 100,000 to 145,000…
Fast Company -…

Paper or paperless receipts: Should we say so long to long receipts and go digital?

Green America in the News ( ) Would you like a receipt? That's usually a simple question to answer. Most people want to make sure their purchases were rung up correctly or make returns easier. The tougher question these days is this one: paper or digital? Digital receipts…
USA Today -…

We can’t send plastic to China anymore. What happens to our recyclables now?

Green America in the News ( ) Americans are good at a lot of things: making cheese, sending astronauts to space, playing football. But we’re bad at recycling. We recycle only 34 percent of the paper, glass, plastic and other stuff that we could, according to Beth Porter. She’s…
The Washington Post -…

See which Halloween candy is contributing to child labor and deforestation

Green America in the News ( ) Deciding what candy to give at Halloween can be a difficult choice. Do you want to be a Mounds person or an Almond Joy person? Do you want to give out raisins (hopefully not)? But if you decide on M&Ms or Butterfingers or even the cheerfully…
Fast Company -…

Buying Chocolate For Halloween? The Production Of Cocoa Is Scarier Than You Think

Green America in the News ( ) Scares are expected during the Halloween season, but your candy shouldn’t be one of the sources of them. Unfortunately, there are some pretty horrifying practices that go on in the making of some of the most popular mass market candies – especially…
Forbes -…

Chocolate companies don’t do enough to stop child workers, new report says

Green America in the News ( ) Major chocolate companies such as Godiva, Lindt and Hershey are failing to make sure their suppliers don’t use children as workers, according to a new ranking by activists released last week. Godiva was rated the worst, followed by Ferrero and…
The Washington Post -…

Major Candy Companies Face Sustainability and Child Labor Issues, According to This 'Chocolate Scorecard'

Green America in the News ( ) Chocolate is already known as a guilty pleasure, but a new report might leave you feeling legitimately guilty about the path cocoa takes to reach some of your favorite sweets. Green America—a non-profit dedicated to creating "a…
MSN -…

Major Candy Companies Face Sustainability and Child Labor Issues, According to This 'Chocolate Scorecard'

Green America in the News ( ) Chocolate is already known as a guilty pleasure, but a new report might leave you feeling legitimately guilty about the path cocoa takes to reach some of your favorite sweets. Green America—a non-profit dedicated to creating "a…
Yahoo News -…

Made with child labor? Major chocolate companies flunk scorecard

Green America in the News ( ) NEW YORK (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Major chocolate companies such as Godiva, Lindt and Hershey are failing to keep child labor out of their supply chains, according to a new ranking by activists released on Thursday. Godiva was rated the worst…
Reuters -…

Activists Give Major Chocolate Companies Poor Marks for Human Rights

Green America in the News ( ) A U.S.-based green economy group says some of the world’s most popular chocolate companies are not so sweet when it comes to human rights and sustainability. Green America gives Godiva chocolate an F in efforts to reduce child labor and…
VOA News -…

Made with child labor? Major chocolate companies flunk scorecard

Green America in the News ( ) NEW YORK, Oct 10 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Major chocolate companies such as Godiva, Lindt and Hershey are failing to keep child labor out of their supply chains, according to a new ranking by activists released on Thursday. Godiva was rated…
Yahoo News -