Twenty-five years ago, power generated by wind turbines and solar panels was so futuristic that it was called “alternative” energy. But the day is coming soon when green energy won’t be alternative at all because we’ll be getting a major portion of our energy needs met renewably.
You can help lead the way by choosing green energy sources, especially as these options become increasingly cost-competitive with dirty energy sources. Our Solar Catalyst program’s research shows that solar power, in particular, could reach ten percent of total US electricity generation by 2025.
Go solar: Combine government incentives, future energy savings, net metering, and more to make solar an affordable solution today.
Tell your utility to go solar: Our Solar Catalyst program’s Utility Solar Assessment Report shows that solar will be cost-competitive in the short-term planning horizon of every utility in the US. Tell your power company to begin making large-scale solar deployment plans now. Give them the link to our study (a PDF) to get started.
Support renewable energy generation: Direct your energy dollars away from coal-fired power and toward renewables by purchasing “green power.” This may be an option through your utility (check the EPA’s map), or you can purchase Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs, or “green tags”) that support putting as much green energy onto the grid as your household is using. Explore green tag products that are certified by the Center for Resource Solutions.
Choose carbon offsets that build renewable energy projects: If you are looking to purchase carbon offsets for the emissions you generate after becoming extra-efficient, consider an offset that helps create more renewable energy projects, like those from NativeEnergy. Your purchases help make new green energy facilities financially viable that would have otherwise lacked the capital to go forward. Remember, offsets are not a substitute for reducing energy. They are best used as a transition to zero-energy use: reduce, offset, and repeat each year.
Invest in the clean-energy revolution: There are now more than a dozen mutual funds, index funds, and exchange-traded funds that give investors opportunities to put their money to work for “clean-tech” solutions while saving for a secure retirement. Turn to the socially responsible investment vehicles listed in our National Green Pages™ and our Guide to Socially Responsible Investing.
Our resources for greening your energy use:
• Get the guide to going solar, The Promise of the Solar Future (PDF).