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We have had many big breakthroughs recently. Major companies across all industries are changing -- proof of the power of consumer pressure. We are witnessing how our economic power is truly changing the world for good and towards a simpler, more sustainable way of living. We are winning and we are opening doors for more businesses to go green.
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Download our guide to adding socially and environmentally responsible investment options to your employer's retirement plan.
Safeway and other major grocery chains have a huge climate problem. Refrigerators in the companies’ stores using potent super-pollutant gasses, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), are leaking and accelerating the climate crisis.
Tell these megabanks to finance clean energy for people and planet, not fossil fuels that cause climate chaos.
Vanguard is lagging on climate: It’s the top fossil fuel investor and is failing to hold companies accountable on their climate and sustainability impacts.
On October 24, 2023, a trio of federal agencies issued two actions aimed at pushing the nation’s banks – especially the largest banks – to invest in…
Banks Can Make a Real Difference on Climate; Will They?
The annual Banking on Climate Chaos report reveals how big banks are fueling the climate crisis through their financing, based on aggregated statistics from banks…