Flame Engineering, Inc.

Flame Engineering, Inc. actively provides and promotes safe, sustainable products produced in an environmentally conscious work place supporting healthy surroundings by conserving, recycling and maintaining stewardship to the planet for the well-being of current and future generations.
In the mid 1950's, Ralph C. Pivonka and his son, Mike, designed a propane torch for burning weeds and brush on their Kansas family farm. As word spread about their flaming equipment, Ralph and Mike found themselves building more and more torches to satisfy a growing local demand. The Pivonka's soon out grew their farm workshop and went into full production establishing the company known as Flame Engineering, Inc., which now has expanded into national and international markets with the popular Red Dragon product line.
Over the years Flame Engineering, Inc. has been recognized for achievements in the LP Gas industry. The development of liquid spray flaming, a unique patented process, attained widespread acceptance as a method of controlling weeds and insects on farm lands.
38.5388156, -99.3085191