How do I update my credit card information for my recurring gift?

Please consider switching your gift from credit card to direct debit. When you switch to direct debit we will deduct your contribution directly from your checking account. This switch is easy and it is the safest form of auto-payment. You will never need to update your payment info again because of expiration date. All we need is a bank account and routing number, which you can provide to a Member Services representative via phone (800-58-GREEN) or by mailing a voided check to: 

Green America 
Attn: Member Services 
1612 K St NW, Ste. 1000
Washington, DC 20006 

If you are not interested in direct debit, you can update your credit card information at any time. Use this online form for updating you monthly donation, use this form for updating annual recurring donations,  or give us a call Monday through Thursday 9am-5pm EST at 800-58-GREEN.