Sustainable Events

Picture the last event you attended. If it was like most events in the U.S., you probably noticed a lot of waste: food waste, plastic waste, printed waste, and more.

Sustainable Events LLC helps organizations and event professionals reduce the negative environmental impact of their events in order to preserve our planet and deliver powerful sustainability results.

The company provides a variety of waste-reducing services for events, including:

  • Recycling programs
  • Composting programs
  • Food waste reduction & donation programs
  • Floral donation programs
  • Event supply donation programs
  • Sustainability measurement & reporting

Since 2015, Sustainable Events LLC has kept more than 35,000 pounds of event waste out of landfills and incinerators. The company has also helped 4 events achieve “zero waste” status by diverting 90%+ of their waste.

Sustainable Events LLC was founded in 2015 by Julia Spangler, who is currently the company’s only employee. (The company operates under the trade name Julia Spangler, Sustainable Events Consultant.) In addition to event services, Julia consults with event planning professionals to help them understand and adopt sustainable practices.

Education is a key pillar of Sustainable Events LLC. To help event professionals get started with sustainability, Julia distributes free educational resources online, has created an online course about zero waste event planning, and delivers educational presentations to industry professionals about reducing event waste.

As a one-person business, Sustainable Events LLC is nearing its capacity for the number of events and clients it can serve. The prize from the People & Planet Award would support the hiring of a part-time event services manager who will help the business be able to provide sustainability services to more events.

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