I can't believe it's in butter!

Submitted by ameyer on


BUTTER. A key ingredient in so many delicious things. If your diet includes dairy, you're probably a big fan.

If you are a butter-lover -- or if you've ever visited the refrigerated section of any grocery store -- you have probably noticed the "farm-fresh" and "all-natural" marketing tactics of mass-produced dairy. Whether it's a smiling cow, a scenic green pasture, or an American Indian (ahem, Land O'Lakes), dairy companies work hard to make their butters seem like they're straight from the good ol' fashioned churn.
However, very little of the industrialized dairy industry is reflected in those carefully marketed images. Most dairy cattle suffer day after day in concentrated animal feeding operations, also known as CAFOs. In addition to demonstrating the horrifically inhumane treatment of animals in industrialized agriculture, CAFOs are also a huge source of land and water pollution.
But here's where the GMOs come in: Most non-organic dairy operations raise their cattle on genetically modified animal feed.
Take Dean Foods, for example. Although you might not recognize the name, Dean Foods is one of the largest dairy corporations in the U.S. and owns brands including Garelick Farms, Alta Dena, and Land O'Lakes. Dean Foods is also a leader in promoting GMOs.
From the Dean Foods' website: "We support efforts to educate the public about the safety, prevalence and benefits of GMOs." Dean Foods also claims that their milk does not contain GMOs, though they raise their cattle on genetically modified animal feed. Another fun corporate food fact: Land O'Lakes co-developed genetically engineered alfalfa, directly contributing to the GMO animal feed supply. Unsurprisingly, Land O'Lakes contributed nearly $100,000 to the No on I-522 lobby.
Don’t get us wrong - we love butter. But there are Bad Butters, and there are Better Butters. Bad Butters try to disguise their industrialized agricultural practices with pictures of happy cows. Better Butters stick to their mission of providing sustainable, high-quality products.

So, before your next trip the grocery, please consider supporting Better Butters! Suggested brands include Kerrygold or Organic Valley. Remember, if it’s not USDA certified organic or verified by the Non GMO Project, it’s probably GMO.

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